Environmental Impact Assessment


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The planning applications will be supported by a series of technical environmental assessments of the proposed development. This process is known as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  In terms of the Craigforth Campus redevelopment, a broad range of topics will be covered, as follows:

  • Traffic & Transport, including the likely impacts from changes to traffic flows and potential new access points.
  • Flood Risk, assessing the impacts of the proposed development on various types of flooding.
  • Hydrology and Drainage, addressing the likely effects of the proposed development on the surrounding hydrological environment and drainage impacts.
  • Cultural Heritage, including the impact of the proposed development on nearby listed buildings and features of historical significance.
  • Noise and Vibration, addressing the effects from demolition and construction activities and the impacts associated with the development when it is operational.
  • Air Quality, assessing impacts from demolition and construction activities and emissions created by an operational development.
  • Biodiversity, addressing the effects of the proposed development on existing habitats and protected species.
  • Ground Investigation, assessing the impacts the proposed development will have on the geo-environmental conditions of the site during demolition, construction and operation.
  • Landscape and Visual, addressing the likely effects of the proposed development on the surrounding landscape character and on visual amenity.
  • Socio-Economics, assessing the likely effects of development on the local and regional economy and impacts on nearby services.
  • Sustainability and Climate Change, including the likely effects of development in sustainability terms, in the context of the built environment, emissions, transportation, design and waste.
  • Health Impact, assessing the likely effects of the development during demolition, construction and operation on the local population and human health receptors.

The assessments will include thorough consideration of the impacts associated with demolition and construction activities along with those associated with the development once operational.

The scope of each technical input has been agreed through extensive consultation with Stirling Council and other key consultees such as Transport Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland and SEPA.

An EIA Report will contain the results of these assessments and provide suitable mitigation measures.  This will be submitted in support of the planning applications.

Other assessments will accompany the EIA process, including the following:

  • Transport Assessment
  • Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy
  • Energy Statement
  • Tree Survey